
平面移动立体停车设备设计含 论文 CAD图纸 Creo三维 中英文翻译文献 任务书

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  • 创店:
  • 2018-07-27
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This article is a flat mobile parking system design. Flat-screen mobile category is the use of parking equipment transport truck or crane to move the vehicle in the plane on the same layer, or to realize the sliding plane of the plate carrier vehicle parked vehicle access, can also be used transportation vehicles and lifts with the realization of multi-plane mobile access parking the vehicle mechanical parking equipment. It belongs to automation, large-scale three-dimensional garage. This design of flat mobile parking facilities, a total of three layers, each parking space has a car carrier plate, and the first and second layers each have a vacancy. The upper carrier plate car if you want to move to the lower level, we need to lower the car carrier plate laterally displaced, to provide space for the upper elevator car carrier plate. Thus, the first layer and the second layer of each parking space has a transmission mechanism for lateral movement of the trolley plate. Since the carrier plate car parking spaces on the third floor only needs to be moved up and down, without lateral movement, the third layer is not gearing. Actuator motor drives the sprocket mainly by the roller rolls on the track, so that the trolley plate lateral movement. The first layer of the transmission mechanism and the trolley plate is directly fused to the transmission mechanism of the second layer is placed in parking stand. Transmission mechanism consists of several parts of the motor, drive shaft, rollers, sprockets and the support frame and other components of the drive mechanism design it is mainly these parts selection and design.


Keywords: parking; actuator; car carrier plate



1  绪论

1.1 本课题研究的背景和意义

1.1.1 本课题研究的背景

1.1.2 本课题研究的意义

1.2 立体车库发展趋势

1.3 机械式立体停车库的概述

1.4 机械式立体停车库的分类

1.5 升降式立体车库简介

1.5.1 升降式立体车库的特点

1.5.2 升降式立体车库的运行原理

1.5.3 研究升降式立体停车库的意义

2章 立体停车库的结构

2.1 钢结构的分析

2.2 钢结构的特点及应用

2.3 焊缝的要求

2.4 螺栓连接要求

2.5 主框架形式

2.6 本课题设计的基本参数

3章 传动机构的设计

3.1 第一层传动机构设计

3.1.1 第一层基本参数确定

3.1.2 第一层电机选择

3.1.3 第一层传动系统设计

3.2 第二层传动机构设计

3.2.1 第二层基本参数确定

3.2.2 第二层电机选择

3.2.3 第二层传动系统设计

4章 主要受力梁、柱的计算

4.1 梁的设计与校核

4.1.1 第三层横梁的计算

4.1.2 导轨支撑梁的计算

4.2 立柱的设计与校核

4.2.1 接地立柱

4.2.2 二层立柱的计算



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