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  • 创店:
  • 2018-07-27
  • 描述
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关键词: 板式塔; 精馏设备; 填料塔




With the social development and progress, China's ethylene market demand for a sharp increase in the amount of ethylene imports increased year by year, the domestic market share of less than 50 percent. Ethylene is the leading petrochemical industry, and its level of development has become the measure of a country's comprehensive economic strength, an important sign, occupies an extremely important position in the petrochemical industry and the national economy.

Important tower production equipment in the chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, food and environmental protection and other industrial sectors are widely used, it is a very important unit operation equipment. You can also post the contact; the role of the tower equipment to provide gas and liquid phases opportunity to full contact, so that quality, two kinds of heat transfer process can be carried out quickly and efficiently, so as to achieve the purpose of phase interpersonal conduct mass transfer and heat transfer the gas and liquid phases can be separated in time, and do not entrainment. Tower equipment mainly used in the petrochemical industry, and its many types, according to the operating pressure divided pressurized tower, atmospheric tower and vacuum tower; internals structure divided by the packed tower, plate tower; there are divided by unit operation fractionator, absorber, dielectric absorption towers, extraction column, reaction tower, drying tower.

The design is an annual output of 36,000 tons of ethylene distillation tower float valve. Float valves before and after the 1950s, the development and application of, and in the petroleum, chemical and other industrial sectors instead of the traditional use of the bubble column, becoming the most widely used type of one of the towers, and because of excellent overall performance, in the design and selection of tower type it is often preferred plate column. The design mainly includes three aspects: First, the calculation process; the second is to calculate the strength and stability; third is to complement the thematic segment.

The first part was the material balance, the tower object to determine the size, column temperature, the calculated number of plates of various diameters and determine the choice of ancillary equipment and so on.

The second part is the quality of each part of the tower is calculated in the calculation of strength and stability, thus dangerous section of the three towers to be checked, mainly the mass load, calculate wind loads and seismic loads, but also for additional calculated reinforcement.

That last part is thematic: davit Selection and Verification


Key words: Tray Tower; Distilling Equipment; Packed towe





  1.1 物料衡算   

    1.1.1 塔顶产品量   

    1.1.2 塔釜、塔顶流量及组成   

  1.2 确定塔温   

    1.2.1 塔釜温度的确定   

    1.2.2 塔顶温度的确定   

    1.2.3 进料温度   

  1.3 塔板数的计算   

    1.3.1 确定最小回流比   

    1.3.2 确定最小理论板数   

    1.3.3 确定理论板数   

    1.3.4 实际塔板数   

    1.3.5 确定进料板位置   

  1.4 塔径计算   

    1.4.1 精馏段塔径   

    1.4.2 提馏段塔径 

  1.5 塔内物件的工艺尺寸 

    1.5.1 溢流程数的选择 

  1.6 流体力学验算 

    1.6.1 气体流过塔板的压降 

    1.6.2 液泛校核 

    1.6.3 雾沫夹夹带情况 

  1.7 安全操作范围和操作线 

    1.7.1 精馏段 

    1.7.2 提馏段 

  1.8 附属设备的选择 

    1.8.1 全凝器的选择 

    1.8.2 再沸器的选择 

    1.8.3 回流泵的选择 

  1.9 管径设计 

    1.9.1 塔顶蒸汽管 

    1.9.2 回流管管径 

    1.9.3 进料管管径 

    1.9.4 塔釜出料管 

    1.9.5 进再沸器管 

    1.9.6 再沸器蒸汽入塔器 


  2.1 圆筒和封头的厚度和强度计算 

  2.2 载荷的计算 

    2.2.1 质量载荷的计算 

    2.2.2 塔的自振周期 

    2.2.3 地震载荷及地震弯矩的计算 

    2.2.4 风载荷和风弯矩计算 

    2.2.5 最大弯矩 

  2.3 应力校核 

    2.3.1 圆筒应力校核 

    2.3.2 裙座壳轴向应力校核 

  2.4 基础环结构设计及校核 

    2.4.1 基础环 

    2.4.2 地脚螺栓计算 

    2.4.3 肋板计算 


  2.5 补强计算 

    2.5.1 塔顶蒸汽出孔 

    2.5.2 人孔的补强计算 

    2.5.3 进料管接管补强 


  3.1 设计载荷 

  3.2 曲杆部分的校核 

  3.3 柱的校核 






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