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  • 2018-07-27
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购买新的数控机床是提高产品质量效率的重要途径,但成本高,许多企业在短期内无法实现,这严重阻碍企业设备更新的步伐。为此把普通车床数控化改造,不失为一条投资少,提高产品质量和生产效率的的捷径,提升企业竞争力,在我国成为制造强国的进程中占有一席之地。   本文以普通车床CA6140数控化改造为例,从普通车床改造的经济性进行评价入手,对数控技术在普通车床CA6140数控化改造应用作了深入研究和探索,形成相应的技术方案及要点。主要内容:

(1) 对普通车床数控化改造经济性评价详细论证,应用模糊优化设计中综合评判原理,确定普通车床数控化改造方案;        (2) 对进给系统的滚珠丝杠型号选择与装配设计,支承方式的设计与轴承型号的选择,步进电机的选择等进行详细研究;       (3) 对常用进口数控装置系统和国产数控装置系统进行仔细比较,根据所改造的性能和精度指标来选择数控装置系统和自动刀架型号,提出选择方法;

(4) 根据普通车床CA6140电气控制系统和原理图与普通车床数控化改造的数控系统对比分析,形成普通车床数控化改造完整的电气控制技术方案;

(5) 为保持切削螺纹的功能,仔细研究在主轴上脉冲发生器的选型,脉冲发生器直接与主轴间的连接方法,形成相应技术图;

(6) 给出普通车床数控化改造的安装及调试方法。                                         关键词:普通车床; 数控改造; 伺服系统; 数控系统                

                 NC lathe CA6140 common                                                                   Abstract

Most enterprises still have large amounts general-purpose machine tools                           which have longevity of service, low precision, can not adapt to mass productino,low automatization and adaptability,but can not be washed out because of its low cost and continuity of enterprise'sproductino.

Purchasing new numerically controlled machines is an important way to improve production precision and efficiency, but it may not come true to many enterptises because it cost much. Enterprise's equipment updating step are counteracted severly. So General lathe's numerically controlled reforming is a quick way that costs less, improve production precision and efficiency, and it can improve enterprises' competitive power. So it can takes its place in our way to a powerful manufacturing country.           The economical efficiency of the reform and the application of NC technology in General purpose lathe CA6140's numerically controlled reforming is researched in this paper according to our practice of CA6140's numerically controlled reforming. And the reforming scheme and main points are formed. The main contents is:                            (1) The economical efficiency of the reform is evaluated in detail and the rerorming scheme is maked according to misty optimum's synthesize adjudicate principle.                                                 (2) The ball screw's type, assembling, supporting, bearing type, and stepping motor of feeding system is designed.               (3) The import and domestic NC systems were compared carefully, brought up a choose method and selected the NC system and automatic tool rest according to the function and accuracy index of reforming.              (4) The complete electricity control diagram was drawn out according to the result of comparing CA6140's electricity control system.                                               (5) In order to protect the function of cutting a screw, we carefully studied the impulse regulator and its connection with the principal axis, and draw out a technique diagram.                                                (6) Methods of installing and testing of general purpose lathe's numerically controlled reforming were put forward.                                                                              Key words: General purpose lathe; NC reform; Servo system; CNC system                                          





1   1

1.1 本论文的背景 1

1.2 本论文的主要内容和意义 2

1.3 本论文主要解决的问题 2

2  设计要求 3

2.1 总体设计方案要求 3

2.2 设计参数 4

2.3 其他要求 5

3章  车床机械部分的改造 6             

3.1 滚珠丝杆 7

3.1.1 滚珠丝杆副的特点 8

3.1.2 纵向滚珠丝杆螺母副型号选择与校核步骤 9

3.1.3 横向滚珠丝杆螺母副型号选择与校核步骤 12

3.2 减速器箱体的设计 13

3.2.1 轴的计算 14

3.2.2 减速器箱体尺寸 14

3.2.3 减速齿轮 15

3.3 轴承的选择 16

3.4 轴承盖的设计 18

 3.5 滚珠丝杠轴承的选型与校核 19

4章  进给伺服系统机械部分设计与计算 22

4.1 进给系统机械结构改造设计 22

4.2 进给伺服系统机械部分计算与选型 22

4.2.1 确定系统脉冲当量 22

4.2.2 纵向滚珠丝杠螺母副的副的型号选择雨校核步骤 23

4.2.3 横向滚珠丝杠螺母副的型号选择与校核步骤 26

4.2.4 齿轮有关计算 28

 5章  步进电动机的计算与选型 35

5.1 纵向步进电机的选择 35

5.1.1 确定系统脉冲当量 35

5.1.2 步距角的选择 35

5.1.3 矩频特性 36

5.1.4 据步进电机的矩频特性计算加减速时间校核的快速性 39

5.2 横向步进电机的选择 40

5.2.1 步距角的确定 40

5.2.2 矩频特性 41

6 章  主轴交流伺服电机 43

6.1 主轴变速范围 43

6.2 初选主轴电机型号 43

6.3 主轴电机的校核 43

7章  微机控制系统硬件电路设计 44

7.1 控制系统的功能要求 44

7.2 硬件电路的组成 44

7.3 设计说明 45

8 章  车床改造的结构特点 47

8.1 滚珠丝杆 47

8.2 导轨副 47

8.3 安装电动卡盘 47

8.4 脉冲发生器 47

9章  安装调试中应注意的问题 48

9.1 滚珠丝杠螺母副的选择 48

9.2 滚珠丝杆螺母副的调整 48

9.3 联轴器的安装 48

9.4 主轴脉冲发生器的安装 48

参考文献 49





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