
行星齿轮变速箱设计【论文、CAD图纸、开题报告、任务书、外文翻译】 商务车行星齿轮变速箱设计

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  • 掌柜:
  • zyh
  • 宝贝:
  • 110711件
  • 认证:
  • 个人
  • 创店:
  • 2018-07-27
  • 描述
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  • 售后




















At present, more and more widely applied in the field of automatic transmission in car.The main reason is that automatic transmission can change the speed automatically according to the road conditions, it has made great drivers.Not only can alleviate drivers driving fatigue reduce road traffic accidents, but also can improve the fuel economy of the car.At the same time, it can improve power performance of car.Planetary gear transmission main structure for a planet gear mechanism, the planetary gear mechanism is mainly composed of the sun wheel, outer ring gear, planetary wheel, planet carrier.Because the planet gear mechanism has two degrees of freedom, so the planet gear mechanism has no fixed transmission ratio, cannot be directly applied to the transmission.In order to be able to will be applied in the automatic transmission planetary gear transmission, the gear mechanism of components must be fixed exhibit a degree of freedom.There is only one degree of freedom of planet gear mechanism has a fixed ratio, thus can be used in the automatic transmission.I design for commercial vehicles planetary gear transmission, the planet gear mechanism has the advantages of compact structure, large rigidity, smooth transmission.Planetary gear transmission power changes controlled by hydraulic torque converter, its operating mechanism for the clutch and brake, and the control with the hydraulic oil, so as to realize automatic shift.However, the automatic transmission structure is more complex.Through this graduation design I made a lot of work on automatic transmission principle and refer to commercial vehicles models ultimately determine the transmission scheme, and has made the detailed instructions for each transmission ratio. 

Key Words: automatic transmisson,lanetary gearbox, torque converter, clutch




1章 行星齿轮的结构和工作原理

2章 自动变速器的基本组成 3

3章 液力变矩器的工作原理 6

4章 自动变速器传动方案及传动原理

§4.1 自动变速器的传动方案

§4.2 自动变速器的传动原理

§4.2.1 空挡或驻车挡的传动原理

§4.2.2 D位D1挡汽车加速与滑行时传动原理

§4.2.3 汽车在L位一挡时前后行星排的传动原理

§4.2.4 D位D2挡传动原理图

§4.2.5 二挡时自动变速器的传动原理图

§4.2.6 D位D3挡时,自动变速器的传动原理

§4.2.7  超速挡传动原理

§4.2.8 自动变速器的倒档传动原理

5章 行星齿轮机构设计计算

§5.1 变速器齿轮传动的设计计算

§5.1.1 各挡位传动比

§5.1.2 齿轮参数设计计算

§5.1.3实际传动比 28

§5.1.4  齿轮强度校核 29

§5.2  换挡执行机构

§5.2.1  多片离合器

§5.2.2  制动器

§5.2.3  单向超越离合器




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