
某大酒店给水排水及消防工艺毕业设计(CAD图纸+说明书、任务书、中期报告 查阅的文献资料列表、学生中期记录检查表、外文翻译)

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  • 2018-07-27
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某大酒店给水排水及消防工艺毕业设计(CAD图纸+说明书、任务书、中期报告 查阅的文献资料列表、学生中期记录检查表、外文翻译)







[摘 要]该楼为XX市XX大酒店。地上五层,建筑总高度为15.50米,总面积为3500平方米。大楼给水水源来自县自来水公司,其市政给水管网水压为0.20Mpa。


[关键词] 宾馆 建筑 给水 排水 设计









The Ziran hotel in Baotou Water and fire process design


English Summary

Name: XXX

Guide the teacher :XXX


[Content Summary]  This building ascends for The Ziran hotel in XX. There are five layers on ground ,the total high degree of the building is 15.50 m, total area is 3500. The headwater of the Mansion water supply comes from the county city  running water company, the water pressure of its municipal water pipe net to 0.20 MPa.

    The design includes a water supply system, drainage system, fire protection systems and hot water systems.The hotel to the water supply network perennial pressure can not meet domestic water needs of the building, so the regional water supply. Zone of direct water supply from the municipal pipe network on the Water System water supply reservoirs, pumps, water tanks combined with the roof set up a shared life and fire tank, the water supply pipe PP-R water supply pipe. Drainage system with sewage and domestic wastewater confluence emissions ordinary stretch of roof ventilation, inadequate municipal sewage treatment, drainage shall be located a septic tank, drain pipe with PVC pipe. The fire protection system including fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler systems and portable fire fighting equipment. Vertical fire hydrant system pipe network into the ring, the use of temporary high pressure water supply systems, automatic sprinkler system with an independent water supply system, using a wet automatic sprinkler system, fire ten minutes the amount of water provided by the high water tank.The fire tubes using ordinary steel. Fire fighting system pumps - tank water supply, fire tube steel pipe. The hot water system uses volumetric water heaters, upstream to the water supply. Pipe made of stainless steel pipe.

 [Key Words]  Guest house     Building     Water Supply     Drain     Design








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