沈阳某公司办公楼设计5层 5200平米(建筑图、结构图、计算书、开题报告、任务书、外文翻译等资料)
冠信科技有限公司办公楼的设计依据为设计任务书和现行规范,总体设计分为七个部分:第一章 建筑设计,第二章 重力荷载代表值计算,第三章 水平地震作用分析,第四章 竖向荷载作用下框架的内力分析,包括内力组合,第五章 框架截面设计和配筋,第六章 基础设计,第七章 楼梯设计。第一章中,通过考虑各种因素选定了建筑方案,在其余的几章中,我们进行了结构计算并且对梁柱、楼板、楼梯和基础进行了配筋。
关键词: 建筑, 结构, 地震作用, D值法,柱下独立基础.
Shenyang office crown Design Technology Co., Ltd.
The building is located in Shenyang City, is a high-grade office buildings, Hierarchical partition of the function should be set up, large lecture hall at the top for a small meeting room on each floor, designed to give serious consideration to the movement of people and fire safety requirements, set up two staircases. The building covers an area of about 5,200 ㎡. Building long-65.4m, width 15.9, layer, a total of five, height 18.75m, height difference between indoor and outdoor 450mm.
Structural form of the use of the whole cast-in-place reinforced concrete, using C30 concrete frame columns, b×h = 550mm 550mm, using C30 concrete frame beam, main beam b×h = 250mm 600mm, beam at b×h = 150mm 400mm. Based on an independent basis under the use of column, concrete grade C30.
Crown Technology Co., Ltd design office in accordance with the mandate for the design of the book and the existing norms, the overall design is divided into seven parts: The architectural design of the first chapter, Chapter II on behalf of the gravity load value, the third chapter the role of the level of earthquake analysis, Chapter IV, under the framework of vertical load analysis of the internal forces, including the combination of internal forces, the fifth chapter the framework of cross-section design and reinforcement, the Sixth the basis of the design chapter, Chapter VII of the staircase design. The first chapter, selected through a variety of factors to consider the construction program, in the remaining chapters, we have carried out structural calculations and on the beams, floor, stairs and the basis for the reinforcement.
Keywords: architectural, structural, earthquake, D value of law, an independent foundation under column.
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