目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1悬架的概述 1
1.2 独立悬架结构、类型和特点 2
1.3 课题的主要意义 5
1.4 设计内容概述 5
第2章 双横臂独立悬架设计计算 6
2.1选取同类车型参数 6
2.2 悬架主要参数的确定 6
2.3 簧载质量与非簧载质量 7
2.4弹性元件计算 8
2.5减震器计算 12
2.5.1相对阻尼系数 12
2.5.2筒式减震器工作缸D确定 14
2.6导向机构设计 15
2.6.1侧倾中心 15
2.6.2横向平面内上下横臂轴布置方案 16
2.6.3水平面内上下横臂轴的布置方案 16
2.7上下横臂长度确定 17
2.8半轴计算 17
2.9 车轮计算 18
2.10本章小结 18
第3章 基于ADAMS/View的悬架优化分析 19
3.1ADAMS介绍 19
3.2悬架建模关键点确定 20
3.3添加连接副 21
3.4添加移动副 22
3.5测量参数值 23
3.6悬架的特性曲线 27
3.7仿真结果分析 30
3.8悬架部件尺寸参数化 30
3.9制定界面 35
3.10设计参数的研究分析 38
3.11优化方案 46
3.12优化结果分析 48
3.13本章小结 49
第4章 悬架实体建模 50
4.1Pro/E介绍 50
4.2悬架零件实体建模 50
4.2.1螺旋弹簧的创建 50
4.1.2轮胎的创建 51
4.1.3盘式制动器创建 51
4.1.4转向拉杆创建 52
4.1.5上横臂的创建 53
4.1.6下横臂创建 53
4.1.7半轴创建 53
4.1.8叉形件的创建 54
4.1.9转向节创建 54
4.3悬架的装配 54
4.4本章小结 54
结 论 55
参考文献 56
致 谢 57
附 录 58
摘 要
关键词:双横臂独立悬架 ;ADAMS ;运动仿真;参数匹配;;虚拟样机
The design is simulation and optimization of double wishbone suspension based on ADAMS/view, we modeling the multi-rigid of Double-wish-bone Independent suspension by using the modtion view ,and then ,start the simulation after constraining the vehicle wheels and we can get the change of the vehicle location angle ,finally,compare the simulation result with the design requirement , we will find whether the tesultment the dement of design which performence should be improved.
Desides ,according to mechincs of vibration and dynamics of multi-body system ,a virtual prototype model of wishbone type independent front suspension was established model, the parameters of front suspension were optimized to minimize the vibration of front suspension. Thus, it provides a quick and reliable technical basis for designing and improveing, reduce cost of equipment developed and purpose of the tyre wear.
Keywords : Double wishbone suspension; ADAMS; Movement Simulation; Matching parameters; Virtual prototype