The main function of rehabilitation training robot is to help patients complete recovery training various motor function, these products have a walking training, sports training arm, spine sports training. There are two rehabilitation robot: robot-assisted rehabilitation and rehabilitation robots. Robot-assisted rehabilitation is to help patients with limb movement difficult to complete a variety of actions, such products are wheelchair robots, robot nurses, prosthetic robot, mechanical exoskeleton like.
Rehabilitation robot is the perfect combination of medical rehabilitation and robotics, rehabilitation robotics in Europe and other countries have received widespread attention researchers and medical institutions, many research institutions have carried out relevant research work in recent years has made some valuable results. For patients with stroke, paralysis, lower limb motor function injury, the ankle rehabilitation agencies have a very good therapeutic effect. The two most important from ankle rehabilitation theory analysis, involving a total of ankle flexion, varus, internal and external rotation three degrees of freedom, the most important is flexion, varus two degrees of freedom, in determining whether the patient rehabilitation movement. The existing ankle rehabilitation institutions, most of them only ankle flexion exercise a degree of freedom that is not conducive to a comprehensive rehabilitation of patients.
From the figure, the first option, with a pair of bevel gear transmission is completed, the second solution, using a pair of spur gear and a pair of small bevel gear instead of a pair of bevel gears. Comprehensive comparison of the pros and cons, choose the best, and ultimately decided to use the second transmission scheme to reduce the size of the space, reduce body weight.
Keywords: rehabilitation robotics, bevel gear, ankle rehabilitation agencies
目 录
1 根据现场作业的环境要求本身的结构特点,确定康复机器人整体设计方案。
2 确定康复机器人的性能参数,对初步模型进行静力学分析,根据实际情况选择电机。
3 从所要功能的实现出发,完成康复机器人各零部件的结构设计;
4 完成主要零部件强度与刚度校核。
1 根据所要实现的功能,提出康复机器人的整体设计方案;
2 完成康复机器人结构的详细设计;
3 通过相关设计计算,完成电机选型;
4 完成结构的设计总装配图、主要零件图。