Vibratory roller is to use its own gravity and vibration compaction variety of building and road construction materials . In highway construction, the most suitable vibratory roller compacted variety of non- cohesive soils , gravel, crushed stone and a variety of asphalt concrete mixture has been widely used . Current domestic vibratory roller to small and medium tonnage and mechanical transmission mode based, and excellent performance heavy-duty hydraulic vibratory roller mainly dependent on imports. The reason why this situation is due in full hydraulic roller hydraulic system structure is more complex and complicated processing all types of hydraulic components , to completely change the situation this roller hydraulic system on the existing research , developed a well-structured full hydraulic roller transmission .
Based on the theoretical analysis and calculation , based on the completed YZ16 type vibratory roller hydraulic system design, program , structure and design methods on the innovation : the use of full hydraulic transmission scheme by three independent hydraulic circuits to achieve with , vibration and steering three basic functions , compared with mechanical transmission in the compaction effect , climbing ability , quality and distribution , operation control and overall layout has a greater advantage. Articulated frame steering structure using bow steering programs , small turning radius , mobility, front and rear tracks overlap , low center of gravity , driver vision . Meanwhile this paper Transfer case institutions carried out a detailed design calculations, in order to narrow the volume Transfer case The tooth surface hardness of 60HRC using gears and double row roller bearing structure .
Keywords: Vibrating roller ; Design ; Hydraulic system ; Transfer case
根据压实机械的工作原理、结构特点、传动形式、操作方法和用途的不同,有不同的分类方法,习惯上把压实机械分为压路机和夯实机两大类: 1、压路机:按压实原理,压路机可分为静作用压路机、振动压路机和组合式压路机。静作用压路机又可分为光轮压路机和轮胎压路机。振动压路机可分为手扶式振动压路机、自行式振动压路机、两钢轮串联式振动压路机和拖式振动压路机。振动压路机按振动机构分又可分为:圆周振动;扭转振动即振荡;智能振动,其中包括:垂直振动、斜向振动和水平振动;复式振动即扭转振动和轴向振动的叠加:混沌振动压路机即主频附近的宽频激振。2、夯实机:夯实机有蛙式打夯机、振动平板夯、振动冲击夯和爆炸夯四种。振动平板夯又可分前行和可逆行振动平板夯两种。振动冲击夯又分为电动和内燃振动冲击夯两种。