摘 要:本文为XX市XX区XX中学排危新建项目宿舍楼建设工程施工图预算文件编制说明书。通过对本工程的施工图预算文件的编制,能够运用课堂上对造价知识的学习,并能通过解决遇到的问题和研究解决办法,让我们在相关方面的能力得以提升。本文从预算文件的基本知识和概念到分步详细地介绍应用软件对工程量的计算以及做法的套用、价的计取,并对工程造价做简单的分析和讨论。
ABSTRACT:This article is an instruction manual for the preparation of construction drawings and budget documents for the dormitory building construction project of XX Middle School in XX District, XX City. By preparing the construction drawing budget document for this project, we can apply the cost knowledge learned in class, and improve our abilities in related areas by solving problems encountered and researching solutions. This article introduces the basic knowledge and concepts of budget documents, and provides a detailed step-by-step introduction to the application of software for calculating engineering quantities, applying methods, and calculating prices. It also provides a simple analysis and discussion of engineering costs.
The construction drawing budget is prepared on a unit project basis, and its preparation methods include the unit price method of labor, materials, and machinery and the comprehensive unit price method. This project is prepared using the comprehensive unit price method under the engineering quantity list pricing model that adapts to market economy conditions. Due to the certain gap between reality and theory, in order to improve the accuracy and reliability of construction drawing budget documents, the calculation and preparation process should be strictly based on relevant preparation basis and scientific preparation methods to reduce engineering quantity errors, and research on material and machine unit prices should be conducted to make the construction drawing budget effective, reasonable, and in line with market trends.
KEY WORDS:Architectural Engineering,Working drawing estimate,Engineering quantity calculation,Engineering cost management