
某五层骨科医院办公楼设计【说明书 建筑图 结构图 开题报告 中期报告 答辩ppt 中英文翻译】

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  • 2018-07-27
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为进一步验证手算结果的精确度,采用PKPM 2005行业软件进行了电算,比较分析表明手算结果是可靠的。最后用AutoCAD进行绘图。


关键词  框架    结构设计    抗震设计








Building NameThe orthopaedic hospital

LocationTang Shan 

Struture SystemR.C.frame

Number of Stories5 stories

Total floor area3326.4m2

    The present project is a 5-storey orthopaedic hospital with the floor height 3.3m and the total height 16.5m. The five-layer building is adopted the cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, and the seismic fortification intensity is 8 with the anti-seismic level 2. The entire graduation project divides into two parts, that is, the architectural design part , the structural design part and the construction organization design.

In the architectural design part, the general layout is first determined according to the building function, including conformation and indoor spatial setting; then the dimension, plane style and elevation style are chosen considering the engineering materials and constructional details. Make it more specific,it includes the total plane design, architectural graphic design (the function layout and layout thinking, the room arrangement and the design of toilet, stair layout, column, etc), the facade design layout, section design(the number and the height of layers identity and stair design), building materials design (roofing approach, the floor practice) and fire prevention design. In addition, instructions for the main design norms and dimensions, load and reinforced concrete is given.

In the structural design part, the array of structure is first determined according to architectural design, process demand, material supply and geological conditions; then a typical transverse frame is taken to be computed. After the extract of computation sketch, the external loads such as the dead load, living load on the roof (floor) and the wind load are calculated; then the internal force in the structure is obtained through the moment distribution method under vertical loading and the modified knick point method under horizontal loads. In the following, the combination of internal force is performed. On the above basis, the design of structural components such as beams, columns and foundations are respectively carried out, and at the same time the checking computation of the slidesway under wind load is done. In addition, the design of the stair (ladder period of board design, smooth bedplate design and platform beam design), the canopy and other accessory components are also completed.

Construction organization design: the scientific basis of engineering, the construction method of flowing water, reasonable arrangement of construction order, pay attention to safety measures, strive for economic benefits.

To verify the accuracy of above results, numerical tests are performed with the software PKPM 2005, and the comparisons prove that the original results are reliable. Finally, the construction documents are completed using the software AutoCAD 2007.


Keywords:  Reinforced concrete frame;  Architectural design;  Structural design.






1.1 前言

1.2 建筑设计概况

1.2.1 题目:XX骨科医院办公楼设计

1.2.2 结构形式:现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构

1.2.3 目的要求:

1.2.4 应完成的设计工作量

1.3 结构设计概况


1.3.2 设计内容

1.3.3 图纸内容

1.3.4 计算书

2  建筑部分设计

2.1 总平面设计

2.2 平面设计

2.2.1 交通联系部分的设计

2.2.2 卫生间的平面设计

2.2.3 平面组合形式

2.3 立面设计

2.4 剖面设计

2.4.1 层数的确定

2.4.2 层高的确定

2.4.3 室内外高差

2.5 建筑构造设计

2.5.1 墙体

2.5.2 楼层

2.5.3 屋面结构

2.5.4 屋面泛水做法

2.5.5 雨水口构造

3  结构部分设计

3.1 设计说明

3.1.1 结构布置

3.1.2 梁、柱截面尺寸的初步确定

3.2 重力荷载代表值的计算

3.2.1 屋面及楼面永久荷载标准值

3.2.2 屋面及楼面可变荷载标准值

3.2.3 梁、柱、墙、窗、门重力荷载计算

3.2.4 楼面恒活载统计

3.2.5 各质点重力荷载代表值

3.3 框架侧移刚度的计算

3.3.1 横向框架侧移刚度的计算

3.3.2 纵向框架侧移刚度的计算(略)

3.4 横向水平荷载作用下框架的内力和侧移计算

3.4.1 横向水平荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算

3.4.2 横向风荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算

3.5 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算

3.5.1 横向框架内力计算

3.5.2 梁端剪力及柱轴力计算

3.5.3 横向框架梁内力组

3.5.4 横向框架柱内力组合

3.6 截面计算

3.6.1 框架梁设计

3.6.2 框架柱设计


3.7.1 楼梯板设计

3.7.2 平台板设计

3.7.3 平台梁设计


3.8.1 楼板类型及设计方法的选择

3.8.2 基本数据

3.8.3 荷载设计值

3.8.4 弯矩计算

3.8.5 截面设计


3.9.1 修正地基承载力

3.9.2 确定基础尺寸

3.9.3 验算承载力

3.9.4 基础抗冲切验算

3.9.5 基础受弯计算及配筋

4  施工部分设计

4.1 工程概况

4.1.1 工程特点

4.1.2 建筑环境

4.1.3 地点特征

4.1.4 施工条件

4.2 施工部署

4.2.1 施工方案

  4.2.2 施工顺序

4.3 施工进度计划

4.3.1 工程量计算

4.3.2 工日数与流水节拍的确定

4.3.3 施工进度计划

4.4 施工总平面图

4.5 施工准备条件

4.5.1 平整场地

4.5.2 修筑道路

4.5.3 接通水源

4.5.4 施工用电

4.5.5 施工机械

4.5.6 劳动力组织

4.5.7 主要材料需要量计划

4.6 施工准备计划

4.6.1 施工准备

4.6.2 测量前期准备

4.6.3 技术工作准备

4.6.4 物资、机械设备准备

4.6.5 劳动力准备


4.7 主要施工方法

4.7.1 钢筋工程

4.7.2 模板工程

4.7.3 混凝土工程

4.7.4 屋面工程

4.7.5 装饰工程

4.7.6 脚手架工程

4.8 质量安全措施

4.8.1 质量管理措施

4.8.2 安全管理措施





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