
基于proe的路宝车发动机配气机构的三维建模设计【说明书+proe三维+cad图纸+开题报告+任务书+外文翻译+答辩相关材料】 备注:此份资料CAD部分不含CAD装配图

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  • 创店:
  • 2021-05-24
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This paper introduced the relevant knowledge of miniature car valve train of engine based on Pro/E and the analysing of miniature car valve train of engine based on ANSYS.It summaried of the current miniature car valve train of engine manufacturing technology and development trend.Through the understanding of the using performance, working conditions, structure, the technical requirements, the author drew graphic model of the valve train with Pro/E and assembled of the valve train of engine.In the process of finite element analysis,it applied ANSYS that popular software of finite element analysis.Through the Pro/E three-dimensional modeling,it inport this model into the ANSYS software to analyze.In recent years, with the popularization of computer technology and the continuous improvement of computing speed ,finite element analysis in engineering design and analysis has been more and more attentioned,it has became an effective way that solving complex computing problem of engineering analysis,it has an importan actual application value in the project.Based on the above description,we can know that the design can improve manufacturing efficiency,save labor and productive resources in theory,it can speed up the production process of automobile enterprises and the process of manufacture,the Pro/E can combinate with the ANSYS to shorting the traditional development cycle than AutoCAD design and increases the production level.



Key wordsvalve trainPro/EThree-Dimensional MapANSYSFinite Element Analysis






1    1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 国内外发动机配气机构的发展趋势 1

1.2.1 国内外发动机配气机构的发展趋势 1

1.3 Pro/EANSYS的简介 2

1.3.1 Pro/E的现状及功能特点 2

1.3.2 ANSYS的现状及功能特点 3

1.4 课题研究的主要内容 3

1.5 课题研究的主要方法 4

2 气门组零件的建模 5

2.1 概述 5

2.2 气门的建模 5

2.2.1 进气门的建模 5

2.2.2 排气门的建模 8

2.3其他零件的建模 10

2.4本章小结 19

3 气门传动组零件的建模 20

3.1 概述 20

3.2 气门传动组设计中需注意的问题 20

3.3 凸轮轴的建模 20

3.4 摇臂的建模 25

3.4.1 进气摇臂的建模 25

3.4.2 排气摇臂的建模 30

3.5 摇臂轴的建模 32

3.5.1 进气摇臂轴的建模 32

3.5.2 排气摇臂轴的建模 36

3.6 其他零件的建模 37

3.7 本章小结 47

4 配气机构的装配 48

4.1 概述 48

4.2 装配过程 48

4.3 本章小结 55

5 气门的有限元分析 56

5.1 概述 56

5.2 ANSYSPro/E 57

5.3 排气门的有限元分析 60

5.3.1设置参数 61

5.3.2 施加载荷和约束条件 67

5.3.3查看结果 71

5.4 本章小结 74


参考文献 76






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