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关键词:球阀 ;参数化;可视化;数据库;solidworks;


Based on Parametric Design Solidworks Ball


Manufacturing Science and Engineering is one of the oldest traditional disciplines , with the penetration and integration of computer technology in engineering design, manufacturing, testing , and management , manufacturing discipline is undergoing revolutionary change , the emergence of many computer-based the new theories, new techniques and new methods , forming a series of computer application technology and automated information systems. IT is a process the data , the emerging discipline of information. CAD is the application of information technology in the engineering and manufacturing of .

    3D CAD technology as the digital design industry body become a key technology in general use , are the core of modern product development tools and leading sectors , to improve enterprise product development capabilities , and enhance market competitiveness of products has a huge role. Feature-based modeling is an important milestone CAD modeling methods . Referenced directly reflects the characteristics of the design intent , making the product easier for people to understand and model the organization of production , for the development of a new generation of integrated CAD system based on a unified information model to create the conditions . Most of the domestic development of the valves are two-dimensional CAD system , has been unable to meet the user's convenience , easy to learn , intuitive needs, there is an urgent need to develop a fully functional and affordable CAD system to meet the needs of valve engineering staff .

Based on the above problems , this paper developed based on parametric design solidworks ball . The method according to software engineering , object- oriented development and relational database technology , the development of a commercialization of a large valve design CAD system . In this paper, database support, and soliworks achieve parametric design components based on building parts models and assembly models and key parts work diagram drawing ; realization ball design, drawing and standardization , visualization and automation.

In this paper, three-dimensional parametric techniques and the use of object-oriented programming languages VB on soldworks secondary development technology in the CAD system to do a valve to explore and research. Established a template for data-driven part of the secondary source development methods to achieve the results and any valve component design parameters can modify the size of the corresponding part of the drive to update the template to generate the user the necessary parts . Practice has proved that . This method is used in this paper is an ideal parameter-driven approach . Its openness and strong . Fast, easy to manage and maintain , especially for the series, species diversity in the valve industry .


Keywords : ball;parameterization;visualization ;database ;solidworks;



1  绪论 1

 1.1 论文背景 1

 1.2 CAD技术发展概述 2

 1.3研究球阀设计系统的意义 4

  1.3.1基于solidworks的球阀CAD技术现状 4

  1.3.2课题意义 4

 1.4本文研究的主要内容和方法 5

  1.4.1 设计CAD系统 5

  1.4.2 三位建模 5

  1.4.3 建立球阀所需要的标准零件库 5

2  球阀设计系统的开发平台与工具 6

 2.1系统开发语言Visual Basic 6

  2.1.1 VB 6.0语言特点 6

  2.1.2 VB 6.0 面向对象开发技术 6

 2.2 SQL关系型数据库体系结构及基本数据模型 7

 2.3VB 6.0访问SQL Server数据库的技术与方法 9

  2.3.1Visual Basic数据访问技术 9

  2.3.2DAO数据访问技术 10

  2.3.4ADO ActiveX数据对象 10

  2.3.5DBC数据库访问技术 11

 2.4 VB 6.0访问SQL Server数据库技术在本课题中的应用 12

 2.5 本章小结 13

3  参数化理论与实现方法 14

 3.1 三维CAD及三位开发平台选择 14

 3.2 参数化理论及其在本课题中的应用 14

  3.2.1 参数化设计与参数化绘图 15

  3.2.2参数化设计与绘图的实现 16

 3.3 Solidworks二次开发技术 17

  3.3.1 Solidworks二次开发的关键技术 17

  3.3.2 Solidworks二次开发在本课题应用中的实现方法 18

  3.3.3本系统建模实例 19

 3.4本章小结 20

4  球阀设计与计算 22

 4.1 球阀的设计 22

 4.2 球阀的计算 23

 4.3 阀杆强度计算 25

  4.3.1  浮动球阀杆的强度计算 25

  4.3.2  固定球阀阀杆强度计算 27

  4.3.3 阀杆连接件(平键或花键)的强度计算 29

 4.4本章小结 31

5  阀门CAD系统的构成 32

 5.1系统构成 32

  5.1.1系统主界面 32

  5.1.2 系统功能界面 33

 5.2功能简介 35

  5.2.1设计校核 35

  5.2.2零件绘图 35

6 结论 43

参考文献 44

致谢 45


1  绪论

1.1 论文背景

计算机辅助设计(Computer Aided Design,简称CAD)是计算机科学与工程设计学科相结合形成的新兴技术,是计算机在工程中最有影响力的应用技术之一,也是先进制造技术的重要组成部分。它的迅速发展和广泛应用,给古老的工程设计制造业带来了蓬勃生机,使传统的产品设计方法与生产组织模式发生了深刻的变革,计算机技术的发展所带来的一系列变革是任何一项技术无法比拟的。现代信息技术是建立在计算机技术的飞速发展之上的,计算机硬件技术不断成熟,为CAD技术的发展提供了可能。近年来,以微机平台、Windows操作系统以及Internet网络技术为特征的新一代企业信息化体系正在深刻的影响和指导

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