This graduation design is the design of mechanical structure of mixed rolling type sand mixing machine. it is belong to the mechanical structure design of traditional. Design of mechanical structure is a set of thinking, drawing, design calculation process, it is the most involved problems in mechanical design and the most detailed, the workload of the largest stage, This design includes the types of sand mixing machine description, design of transmission machine parts, door control mechanism choice and control part of the design.
The important ones of them is the control part of the design, the transmission mechanism and sand control mechanism. The control part of the design use PLC .In the transmission design, we establish transmission scheme firstly, and then design the transmission parts. In the design of transmission part, I mainly design a conical gear box and sand mixing machine vertical spindle design. In the sand control part, the main point is the design of the cylinder which is the choice of the cylinder. Through these designs make new sand mixer more stable, more adaptable and high efficiency, and has the advantages of compact structure, proportion, beautiful generous, and cheap price.
Keywords: sand mixer; mechanical structure; transmission parts; reducer
在现代铸造生产中,都有一个砂型供应问题。尤其跨入21纪元,高压高压造型机自动化级别的生产线的迅速发展,对型砂的质量以及数量都提出更加苛刻的要求。所以,型砂供应中的问题就显得更为突出。为了解决这个问题,目前世界上各国斗致力于研究和生产各种类型的高效率混砂机。所谓高效率混砂机应满足三方面的要求:(1) 在混砂机盘径一定时,能增加每次加料量;(2) 在保证型砂质量的前提下,能缩短混砂周期,提高混砂机的生产率;(3) 每次加料量和生产率提高后功率消耗应适当。我们通常用技术经济指数来全面衡量和评价一台混砂机。