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  • 创店:
  • 2021-05-24
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运用Solid Works软件对叠杯装置、叠杯机架及下料台进行了设计,完成了三维实体建模、装配,并通过该软件导出二维装配图及其爆炸图。

    关键字:曲面印刷机气动下料机构设计三维实体建模Solid Works


The Design of Pneumatic Cup Feeding Mechanism

for Curved Surface Printing Machine


    AbstractSurface presses a back transformation of the outer surface of the containers color printing electromechanical integration equipment, including rotary printing agencies, reel institutions, the upper and lower feeding mechanism and drive mechanism. By the programmable controller to control the operation of the printing press, press the emergency stop and no cup India. The machine up to overprint the six-color, maximum speed of 300 per minute, overlay accuracy, pattern reproducibility, high degree of automation. It is a letterpress and web offset printing press, the mold easy to replace, can be widely used in high-volume, high efficiency, rigid packaging and printing.

Pneumatic feeding mechanism for the design of the subject is one auxiliary automatic surface presses for the printing ink after drying the cup stack of rolls, in accordance with a certain length to cutting Taiwan. Feeder pneumatic system components include: the actuator cylinder, and control components solenoid valves and auxiliary components. Cylinder installed in the structure and the role of the key parts cylinder carried out a detailed analysis and design.

Solid Works software design, cup stacking device, cup stacking rack and cutting completed a three-dimensional solid modeling, assembly, and export 2D assembly drawings and exploded diagram of the software.

Keywords: curved surface printing machine;The Design of Pneumatic Cup Feeding Mechanism;solid modeling; Solid Works



摘要 I

Abstract II


1  引言

1.1 曲面印刷机简介

1.2 曲面印刷机的工作原理和结构

1.3 国内外曲面印刷机技术现状

1.4 市场前景分析 3

1.5 研究内容

1.6 研究意义 5

1.7 研究手段 5

2  下料机构气动系统设计 6

2.1  气压传动的特点 6

2.1.1 气压传动的优点 6

2.1.2 气压传动的缺点 6

2.2  气动技术的应用 6

2.3  气压传动系统的组成 7

2.4  气动系统功能简介 7

2.5  各种阀的选择 9

2.5.1 电磁阀的选择 9

2.5.2 减压阀的选择 9

2.5.3 减压阀的选择 9

2.5.4 过滤器的选用 10

3  摞杯装置及摞杯机架的设计 11

3.1  摞杯装置的组成 11

3.2  气缸类型的选择 11

3.3  机座的材料和时效处理 17

3.3.1机座的材料 17

3.3.2机座的时效处理 17

3.4  机座的结构设计 17

3.4.1机座的典型结构 17


3.4.3连接刚度 19

3.4.4结构的工艺性 20

3.5  箱体的分类 20

3.6  设计的主要问题和设计要求 20

3.7  箱体结构设计 20

3.7.1箱体的毛坯、材料及热处理 21

3.7.2箱体结构参数的选择 21

4  下料台的设计 26

4.1下料平台架结构 26

4.2结构设计及验算 29

5  导向轴的制造工艺设计 30

5.1  毛坯选择 30

5.2  拟定加工工艺路线 31

5.3  选择加工设备和工艺设备 32

5.4  机械加工工序卡制作

6  结论 38

参考文献 39

致谢 41



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