摘 要
高压软启动和PLC以广泛用于煤矿排水的电控系统中。该方法就是在恒定交流鼠笼异步电动机之间接入晶闸管作为交流电压控制器。采用恒流启动方式把异步电动机拖入正常运行状态。本文提出了PLC作为主机、高压软启动(电抗器备用)启动方案应用于煤矿排水电控系统 。与常规继电器控制系统不同之处采用PLC。PLC克服继电器体积庞大、可靠性不高、改变控制程序麻烦、维护量大、尤其定时不精确等缺点。与常规的直接启动或用电抗器启动不同之处采用高压软启动,克服了直接启动(电抗器启动)给电机直接加入额定电压,启动速度快,尤其对电网、电机、生产机械的冲击危害很大等缺点。
关键词:晶闸管; 鼠笼异步电机; 排水; 高压软启动; 西门子PLC
High-pressure soft-start and PLC are widely used in coal mine drainage to the electronic control system. The method is in a constant exchange between the squirrel cage induction motor access SCR as AC voltage controller. Way to start a constant current induction motor dragged into the normal operation of state. In this paper, as the host PLC, the high-voltage soft-start (Reactor standby) launched the programme for mine drainage electronic control system. Relay control systems and conventional difference between the use of PLC. PLC overcome the relay size, reliability is not high, and change control procedures trouble maintaining large, in particular, timing and other shortcomings imprecise. The launch of direct and conventional power reactor or start using high-pressure difference between the soft start to overcome the boot (start Reactor) added directly to the motor rated voltage, fast startup, particularly on the power grid, the electrical, mechanical production of the harmful impact , And other shortcomings.
In this paper, the German Siemens S7-200PLC as a controller, using the Henan Institute of Zhuzhou railway locomotive production QJR-400 high-voltage AC motor soft start device to achieve speed, not only to improve the performance started, but also meet the requirements of the scene.
Keywords: SCR; cage induction motor; drainage; soft-start high-pressure; Siemens PLC
在我国的煤炭企业中,煤矿的机电设备中,排水设备用量很多,消耗的电量很大。正确选择与使用水泵,合理配制主排水系统,提高系统运行的经济性,对于煤矿企业节能提效有着十分重要的意义 。