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  • 创店:
  • 2021-05-24
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After a few decades of development, the stacker becomes today's logistics system in the main high-bay warehouse handling equipment, it can use a fully automated control system, even very harsh operating environment will not be affected.Stacker is a high efficiency and ensure accuracy, semi-automated or fully automated warehouse access to the goods electrical equipment.Because of its structural features, it can be in the three-dimensional movement, to reach a wider range of full use of warehouse space.

Decrease in production costs is difficult, difficult to improve the productivity of the distress situation, the management company found that the importance of production logistics to earnings.Production logistics from raw material, through a channel processing, then the formation of semi-finished or finished goods, warehousing or transport to the customer's hands in the process.Of course, this process needs to store the goods.As a logistics important "core parts" automated warehouse is not only accurate access to goods, to facilitate access, speed up production and warehouse between the goods turnover, but also can greatly increase the storage capacity, scientific management, modern enough to meet the company's commodity circulation Claim.Access to goods process natural and ultimately trucks, stackers and as one of the most common vehicles, goods can quickly store and archive for accurate removal.The moment, despite the domestic warehouse automation technology still lags far behind developed countries, but it is to catch up with the top international level, perhaps even beyond the few days flush.

The design paper detail, a single column v type rail retrieval machine structure design, mainly on the complaint of the structural design of the rack, from the structural design and calculation of lifting mechanism, the telescopic fork agencies and travel agencies.At design time, from economic and structural considerations, in comparison odd and even column stacker select single column structure of the program plan.Selected according to requirements single-post racks, and design a specific structural shapes, gives the corresponding parameters and manufacturing materials.Depending on the size of the force three kinds of institutions, each require different operating power, the choice is not the same type of motor.Depending on the reduction ratio and rotational speed, from the selection of different lifting mechanism and running gear of the gear unit.Similarly, brakes, sprockets and chains, V belt and pulleys are all designed according to the respective requirements of different options.Anyway, after the initial selection of the type, we have carried out the necessary corresponding check to ensure that the design is reasonable and feasible.This graduation design software is mainly two-dimensional CAD software and CAXA.

Keywords: logistics; automated warehouse; single-column stacker; structural design; calculation check.





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