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由于早期研究的的松土锄草机在工作过程中,对中耕作物苗带松土和锄草比较艰难、埋苗率高并且工作速度低、损坏苗严重、苗间草清除不干净而且化学除草对当今大自然造成的污染比较恶劣,并且对动物和植物带来的危害存在着巨大的问题,所以我们研制了一种新型新型除草机械,名为中耕松土梳苗锄草机。该机器是按照组合直立梳齿为主要运作部件,运用作物根茎与杂草根茎发生长差别大的特点,再对作物进行规律的的打理,得到松土锄草的成果,同时要进行规律的中耕。在本文里对此机器的总体设计、梳齿机构的尺寸和传动结构,以及它们的运动规律等惊醒了分析,得到了机器作业质量的分析结果。梳齿式除草装置可以进行的功能有许多。如:它是多动能中耕以及全方位松土除草复式作业机。该机器不仅可以除掉苗间杂草(生长期),并且可以保持土壤水分充足,为农作物的稳定产量起到了决定性的作用。因为生长期的农作物和杂草的根系在土壤内的深度不同,因此 梳齿式苗间松土锄草装置的工作原理是利用锄草齿在杂草的根系层做出网格状运动来锄去杂草。为此,从锄草作业的缺陷出发,分析了当今国内外田间锄草技术的研究现状以及化学除草技术与机、电、光等技术的结合情况;通过与美国、德国等西方发达国家先进锄草技术的比较,分析了我国锄草技术的不足之处,并指出了锄草技术的发展趋势。栽植技术是作物争取农时、提高复种指数、提高产量的有效措施。采用机械栽植是提高移植劳动生产率的有效途径。国外已广泛采用机械化移栽方式。国内目前研制出的移栽机具都是人工喂苗的半自动移栽机。我这次毕业设计就是导管式栽植机。通过查阅有关的资料,对国内外旱田移栽机械现状、水平及我国在旱地栽植机械方面的研究进行全面的了解,掌握其工作原理,并针对目前国内现有育苗移栽机械存在的问题,提出了今后发展我国育苗移栽机械的几点建议。同时重点对钵苗移栽机的钵苗喂入机构移载机总体设计等进行分析,实现该机系列化的目的。现在我国的农民趋于老年和妇女,劳动力低,这样发展农业机械化更是事在必行。尽管目前面临着玉米价格低和比较效益差等问题,但是,通过提高种植的机械化水平,进一步改善育苗移栽技术的配套性能,就可以降低种植成本,达到增加产量,提高经济效益的目的。相信随着旱地育苗机械化水平的不断提高,旱地育苗移栽技术将会逐步得到大面积推广应用。我这次的研究是对梳齿式苗间松土锄草装置的仿真优化设计和试验。为获得理想苗间机械松土锄草效果,用UG NX6.0软件对装置进行了三维仿真建模。在建立机械锄草,齿运动轨迹的数学模型的基础上,在试验环境下和老师共同完成了苗间松土锄草机械的松土锄草试验。运用正交设计软件进行了试验数据的处理。最终通过试验验证了仿真结果的有效性,既优化了设计参数,又为大马力复式中耕松土耕除草机的设计提供依据。

关键词: 梳齿; 动态仿真; 中耕松土锄草


In the early development of the earth weeding machine in use for intertillage weeding crop plants with loosening soil and digging up weeds difficult to be buried intact seedlings of high speed, and his corn to plant rooms and the hoes not pure and chemical weeding environmentally serious pollution in other plants, and harm for so many questions. Studying a new intertillage weeding loosening soil and seedlings. the mechanism for combined with brush your teeth as the main working parts, the use of the crops with weeds growing disparities the root surface of the property, plant regularly to tease out the loosening soil and digging up weeds, at the same time as necessary. the regular intertillage weeding in the overall design, belts, and the structure and size and the law of motion and carried out and theoretical analysis, and analyze the quality of its work. Brush your teeth in seedlings from loosening soil weeding device is more comprehensive intertillage weeding loosening soil and digging up weeds compound production rig seedlings from loosening soil and digging up weeds can be done in the plant crops of corn in the weeds and soil conservation, to ensure the products of productive and dependaplecrop exert positive role. Through access to information and knowledge of home and abroad. And the state of intertillage weeding machine in seedlings from loosening soil and digging up weeds device is used to grow crops on the surface and weed in the depth of the root of the soil, through weeding in the teeth of the surface layer to the track of a campaign to hoe to weeds. And weeding work from defects, analysis and weeding the fields of research and technology and the chemical weeding, electricity, and light for the combination of circumstances; With the united states, Germany and west developed relatively advanced technology, weeding the weeding a technical deficiencies, and weeding out the technical trend. This time I have been set of teeth between the seedlings for loosening soil weeding of emulation by design and trial for the ideal mechanism strengthens the dirt with a hoe. Pass to check relevant of research that data, move to plant the machine the present condition, level and our country to plant the machine in the dry land to domestic and international dry land to proceed completely of earthen bowl seedling that understanding, control the principle of its work, at the same time the point move to plant the machine to earthen bowl seedling to feed the organization, move to carry the machine the etc.Based on the existing domestic seedling transplanting mechanical problems, and puts forward its development in the transplant seedlings of mechanical several Suggestions.Of total design to proceed the analysis, and realize the machine's series of the ' s purpose.Now China's farmers tend to be older and women, low labor force, so that the development of agricultural mechanization more things in will do.UG NX6.0 software is installed in a 3D simulation model. in establishing a mechanism worked and moves the mathematical models, on the basis of the environment and the teacher finished  thin out millet seedlings loosening soil mechanics of the earth to hoe. Hoe the use of software design are carried out tests for data processing. Ultimate test verified by the simulation results, and optimize the effectiveness of the design parameters, and the horsepower compound intertillage weeding loosening soil up weeds in the design basis provide.

Keywords: Elastic comb; Motion simulation; Cultivation uproot



第一章 前言  

1.1 研究的目的意义  

1.2 国内外研究开发现状  

1.2.1 国内松土除草技术的发展  

1.2.2 国内中耕除草机简介  

1.2.3 国外松土除草技术的发展  

第二章 总体设计方案  

2.1 中耕机的作用及特点  

2.2 中耕机的技术要求  

2.3 农艺要求

2.3.1 耕深

2.3.2 碎土

2.3.3 够地图其高度h

2.3.4 除草率

2.4 总体结构及其工作原理

2.4.1 总体结构

2.4.2 工作原理

2.4.3 主要技术指标

2.5 关键部件设计

2.5.1 机架的设计

2.5.2 株间除草单体的设计

2.5.3 株间除草部件设计

2.5.4 传动系统的设计

2.5.5 苗间除草机构的仿真配图

第三章 试验方案的确立及数据分析处理

3.1 试验的内容、设备与材料

3.1.1 试验设备

3.2 单因素试验

3.2.1 锄齿均布半径的大小对锄草性能的影响的试验

3.2.2 梳齿的转速对锄草性能的制约试验

3.2.3 梳齿间距对伤苗率和锄草率两指标的影响试验

3.2.4 机车前进速度对伤苗率和锄草率的影响的试验

3.3 多因素试验

3.4 多因素试验方案的选择

3.5 多因素试验结果与分析

第四章 结论





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