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  • 2018-07-27
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Operating vehicle height is the most common one of the special vehicle. In recent years ,because the aerial work vehicle the rapid development, aerial work industry appeared part models yield, but also excess symptom exist in demand, production capacity part models, therefore, the phenomenon of insufficient structural surplus is the auto industry excess capacity, but also the present the basic characteristics are the main developing automobile industry. Aloft work vehicle is part of the auto industry, and its development will also be the same problem, so the aloft work vehicle modified technique, not only can promote the development of the car industry aerial work, and to promote the development of specialized automobile industry, adjust enterprise product development strategy of great significance. In this design work, I design a folding arm of the high-altitude vehicles. Main above, upper and lower arm, turntable, hydraulic parts as the research object. 

This design main is the height of 10 meters aloft work vehicle, to meet the high operating on the premise that for aloft work arm,turntable,hydraulic parts design: First choice under the requirements of the use of operating arm of the types of materials; Second, based on the height of the largest operations to determine the upper and lower arm length; After Analysis to determine the intensity of use of the arm section size and fuel tanks articulated position; further strength, stiffness, Stability of Verification, check the operating arm size whether it meets the requirements; Turntable and hydraulic parts also principles  want to calculate and checking.




Key words: Aloft work vehicleAloft work arm;Turntable;Hydraulic system;Modification design











1章 绪    论

1.1 概述

1.2 高空作业车的发展现状

1.2.1 专用车的现状

1.2.2 我国高空作业车的现状和发展

1.3 高空作业车的组成 5

1.3.1 工作装置

1.3.2 金属结构

1.3.3 控制系统

1.3.4 动力传动装置

1.4 本课题所研究的任务

1.5 本课题研究的意义

2章 确定设计方案

2.1 总体设计要求

2.2 动作要求

2.3 技术性能要求

2.4 总体设计方案

2.5 确定执行元件的形式

2.6 整体设计结构图

2.7 本章小结

3章 底盘的选择

3.1 高空作业车底盘的类型

3.2 底盘的选择

3.3 本章小结

4章 高空作业车臂的设计

4.1 材料的选择

4.2 计算上、下臂的长度

4.3 确定液压缸铰点的位置

4.3.1 确定上臂液压缸铰点的位置

4.3.2 确定下臂液压缸铰点的位置

4.4 上臂截面尺寸的确定

4.4.1 对上臂进行受力分析

4.4.2 计算上臂截面尺寸

4.4.3 对上臂进行强度校核

4.5 下臂截面尺寸的确定

4.5.1 对下臂进行受力分析

4.5.2 计算下臂的截面尺寸

4.5.3 对下臂进行强度校核

4.6 本章小结

5章 高空作业车转台结构的设计

5.1 高空作业车转台总体结构设计

5.2 转台的受力分析

5.2.1 转台的自重

5.2.2 转台受到的其余的力

5.3 回转支承装置的计算

5.3.1 回转支承的计算载荷

5.3.2 转盘式回转支承装置的计算

5.3.3 按承载能力确定圆柱滚子数目

5.4 传动齿轮的计算

5.4.1 选择齿轮材料

5.4.2 选择齿轮齿数和齿宽系数

5.4.3 确定轮齿的许用应力


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