三环减速器是少齿差行星齿轮传动中的一种,其基本结构是有一根低速轴、二根高速轴和三片转动环板构成。各轴均平行配置,相同的两根高速轴带动三片传动板呈120° 相位差作平面运动,通过传动环板与低速轴上的齿轮相啮合,形成大传动比。各轴的轴端可以单独或者同时传输动力。而三环式传动机构自成体系。按基本型的单级传动,增加高速与低速轴的数量,改变高速与低速轴的相互位置,可以形成若干派生型机构系列。此外,该传动装置因采取独特的“平行轴----动轴”三环式传动原理, 基本构件的运动和受力均衡,又充分的运用了功率分流和多齿合。
Equipment plays an important role in open pit mining industry and it cocompetence at efficient operation and maintenance techniques centered on relibilty can lead tgnifant cost reduction. The application of optimal maintenance procesnvestigated for minimizing the equipment breakdowns and downtimes in Sungu Cop Mine. It results in the improvd
efficiency and productivity of the equipment and lowered expenses as well as tincreased profit margin. The field operating data of10 trucks are used to estimate the failure and maintenance profile for each component, and modeling and simulation areaccomplished by using reliability block diagram method. Trend analysis was then conducted to select proper probabilistic model for mantenance profile. Then reliability of the system was evaluated and importance of each component was computed by weighted importance measure method. This analysis led to identify the items with critical impact on availability of overall equipment in order to prioritiz improvement decisions. Later, the availability of trucks was evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation and it is revealedthat the uptime of the trucks is around 11000 h at 12000 operation hours. Finally, uncertainty analysis was performed to account forthe uncertainty sources in data and models.
Key words: operating costs, maintenance,mining dump truck, reliability, availability, uncertainty