
小型便携式割灌机设计【农业机械】【solidworks三维 12张图纸 论文】

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  • 2018-07-27
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Design of Small portable brush cutter


One of the brush cutter as a forestry machinery, used in forest land clearing, young forest tending, Secondary forest transformation and forest tending cutting, etc. Resect shrubs and weeds, trimming and cutting path cut wood, bamboo and the other works. Shrub species resources are very abundant in China, in recent years, in order to prevent the land, conserve water and soil, improve the ecological system, maintain ecological balance, we are planting large area of  shrubs, only the Inner Mongolia Erdos City has about 12000000 mu of sandy shrub, shrub resources in western region of China is also very rich and concentrated. According to the biological characteristics of shrub, it will accelerate growth ,strength sprout and has the effect of rejuvenation after stubble for every 3~5 years.  When you are harvesting, manual labor is intensity and low production efficiency, so in order to improve the production efficiencybrush cutter is indispensable. The design of the small portable brush cutter is an easy and fast machine

of the brush cutter.

Brush cutting diameter 4cm function within a variety of trees and weeds. It should be as small and light, in order to facilitate the rugged terrain undulating forest zone operation, flexible working. Power unit shall comply with the requirements of GB. Long in harsh noise environments can cause occupational deafness, and in the vicinity of 4KH prone hearing loss, which is the characteristics of occupational deafness, so brush cutter work, it should try to prevent excessive noise, and use the silencer. To minimize vibration handle brush cutter, work

part adopts nylon yarn, such as a circular saw blade cutting parts.

Key words: brush cutter; small; portable


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