题目: 基于PLC控制的高精度液位控制系统的设计
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专 业: 机械电子工程
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为了提高液位控制系统的质量和效率,节约能源,本次模拟水塔液位控制系统的装置考虑结合可编程逻辑控制器,继电器和传感器等技术,实现液位控制系统的自动控制。本设计使用西门子S7-300 PLC可编程控制器作为液位控制系统的核心,配合硬件与软件实现液位控制池液位动态平衡,过高、过低水位报警等功能。主要的实验方法是在水箱上安装一个自动水位测量装置,通过水位变送器检测水箱实际液位并将该液位反馈到PLC控制器,经A/D转换后,所得数据与PLC内部设定数据进行比较,控制器处理数据并发送相应指令改变电机的转速从而控制抽水速率,改变进水量,使水位稳定地保持在设定值附近。此外,通过液位标定计算出控制器输出PIW数值与实际水位的关系,就可以在触摸屏上直观显示实时水位情况。实验结果表明本设计能较好地完成自动液位控制的功能。
In the course of routine industrial and agricultural production we the need to measure the water level and control it. Furthermore everyday level control applications are quite extensive , such as hydropower , water towers and other water control 。 According to the water supply system in the past, frequent operation towers will produce mechanical wear of conventional relay convenient maintenance and updates, that means it can not meet the actual needs of the people, and with Gradual growth of population and living conditions, the demand for water is also increasing .In order to improve the quality of the water supply system, energy conservation, so I considered use a programmable logic controller, relay and sensor technology, with hardware and software to achieve low water level alarm, warning switch between work and procedures manual / automatic to design practical level control tower scheme. I completed the set up of this simulation using the tank water tower , based on Siemens S7-300 PLC programmable controller tank water level control system as the core 。I completed a water tank to complete the performance capability aiming at doing a needs analysis. The main experimental method used is to install an automatic water level measuring device on the tank。 The level sensor detecting the water tank to measure the actual water level and the control module to send information to the PLC, via A / D conversion, the data obtained is compared with the set level, the controller processes the data and sends the appropriate commands to control the motor speed change pumping rate, the water level maintained in the proper position. Than Touch screen completes the level display, fault alarm information display, real—time and historical curve curves show。 If the water level is lower or higher than the set value, the hazard warning signal will be issued In this paper , PLC automatic water supply system based on good execution process level control .
Keywords: tower water; water level control; relays; PLC