毕业设计 西北地区某城市二级污水处理厂设计(84页计算说明书+16张CAD图纸)
摘 要
本设计题目为“西北地区某城市二级污水处理厂设计”该工程所处理的污水主要是由城市工业废水和公共建筑用水以及城市生活用水组成。其混合污水最大日设计流量为Q=39715米3/d, 日变化系数K=1.1,总变化系数为K=1.4 , 其中城市设计人口15万人,城市公共建筑污水按城市污水的30%计,工业污水量为1.3万米3/d,设计水质经环保部门监测,污废水主要污染物COD、SS、BOD、TP、TN以及重金属和有毒物质少量,其污水水质如下:COD=455mg/l , SS=245mg/l, BOD5=220mg/l,PH=7-8,冬季平均温度-8。C ,夏季平均温度为29。C,处理厂处理水质为:BOD5≦20mg/l,CODcr≦100mg/l,SS≦20mg/l,NH3-N≦15mg/l,TP≦1.0mg/l,出水水质符合国家的二级排放标准。
The design is “the 2 area certain city level designs of Noth china of sewage treatment plant “to make a summany to design title. The dirty (abandon) water of this project located reason is formedmianly by city industrial effluent and city public building sewage as well as city sewage.It mix sewage biggest day rated dischage is 3.9715metre3/day. Day change coefficient K day=1 nad 2,change always coeffciet K total =1 and 4 . In which city design population fifting-hundreds thousabds person. City public building sewage is measured according to the idea of 30% that city sewage is monitored by the department of environment protection. In dirty useless water, major contanmint is CODcr ,SS,BOD5,TP,TN,as well as heavy metal with is analysed. It is dirty uselss water quality is as follow: COD=455mg/l ,SS=245mg/l, BOD=220mg/l,PH=7-8.
In this design, with the oxidize dith handing of DE model. It should be dirty water It is the oxidize aeration pot and biological chooser of DE model main to handle to building this, is disgusted, oxygen pool and hole type.
目 录