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  • 宝贝:
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  • 创店:
  • 2018-07-27
  • 描述
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关键词 硬线;短应线轧机;平立交替;超重V型无扭轧机;控制冷却



    This task is to design workshop that can produce 300 Kt hard wire. Re-ferring to a number of domestic and international advanced hard wire work-shops and according to the task requirement,the high speed produce pattern is chosen.

In this paper, the following aspests are referred, such as the economic accordance, the distribution of output, the material choose, rolling speedat exit choose, the number of passes,the mill comparision and choose, pass system design, rolling velocity computing, the temperature and mechnical computing, the strengthen of roller test, Stelmor air cooling tables choo-se,etc.

In order to successfully  rolling hare wire at high speed, all mill on the produce line set horrizontal and vertical looper. In the rolling pro-cess,  the rolling piece has no twist , thus,  the hidden accident can be reduced.

Rough and middle mill are heavy-rigidly two-roller short stress thread  stands, as to pre-finishing mill group, the former two stands are short stress thread , the later four stands are cantilever, which are able to   install  high hardness and wearlessness roll collar made from  WC so that the life of  roller pass can be longer, therefor, the precision of produc-tion can be satisfied. The finishing mill group adopt 10 stands, which all are over weight  V-type no twist cantilever mill and used entire group   driving. At the exit of  finishing mill group, the two sizing  diameter stands are equipped to ensure higher rolling speed and the stable size pr-ecision.

The rolling technology is laid down and equipment are selected so that high precision Φ6.5 high wire can be produced.


Keywords  hard wire; short stess thread; horizontal and vertical looper,

 over weight V-type; no twist cantilever mill; controll coolling






1章 绪 论

1.1 线材

1.1.1 线材的定义

1.1.2 线材的用途

1.2 我国线材生产概况

1.2.1 原料及工艺设备上的差距

1.2.2 技术管理上的差距

1.3 市场分析

2章 厂址的选择与产品大纲的制定

2.1 厂址的选择

2.2 产品大纲制定原则

2.2.1 国民经济发展对产品的要求

2.2.2 产品的平衡

2.3 产品具体内容

3章 原料的选择与金属平衡表

3.1 原料的选择

3.1.1 原料的选择

3.1.2 原料的质量、规格及尺寸偏差

3.1.3 原料的验收及堆放

3.2 金属平衡表

4章 线材轧制生产工艺过程

4.1 工艺过程制定依据

4.2 高线生产工艺特点

4.2.1 线材轧制速度的确定

4.2.2 采用连铸坯热送热装工艺

4.2.3 无头轧制

4.2.4 粗、中轧机组的平/立布置

4.2.5 预精轧机的微型无扭轧机

4.2.6 重型和超重型 V型结构

4.2.7 采用低温轧制技术

4.2.8 减定径机与精密轧制

4.2.9 控制轧制和控制冷却

4.2.10 合金钢轧制

5章 主机列选择与布置

5.1 主机列选择原则

5.2 主机列发展历史

5.2.1 横列式线材轧机

5.2.2 复二重线材轧机

5.2.3 半连续式线材轧机

5.2.4 连续式线材轧机

5.3 主机列选择

5.3.1 机架数目的确定

5.3.2 粗轧机组的选择

5.3.3 中轧机组的选择

5.3.4 预精轧机组的选择

5.3.5 精轧机组及减定径机组的选择

5.4 轧机的选择

6章 孔型设计

6.1 孔型设计概述

6.1.1 孔型设计的内容

6.1.2 孔型设计的基本原则

6.2 孔型系统的选取

6.2.1 粗轧机孔型系统的选取

6.2.2 中轧、预精轧及精轧轧机孔型系统的选取

6.3 孔型设计计算

6.3.1 确定各道次延伸系数

6.3.2 确定各道次轧件的断面面积

6.3.3 孔型设计计算

6.4 孔型在轧辊上的配置

6.4.1 孔型在轧辊上的配置原则

6.4.2 孔型在轧辊上的配置

6.5 轧辊的平均工作直径及轧辊转速的确定

6.5.1 工作辊径的确定

6.5.2 轧辊转速的确定

7章 年产量计算

7.1 轧制节奏图表

7.2 典型产品的小时产量计算

7.2.1 典型产品Φ6mm轧机小时产量:

7.2.2 轧钢机的平均小时产量

7.3 车间年产量计算

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